Daily Dawn Vocabulary December 14, 2020

Each aspirant understands the significance of the language and vocabulary of English. We have begun a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website in order to encourage aspirants. In this way aspirants can save time and enhance their vocabulary. Moreover PDF file is also available for aspirants. So, keep in touch with us for daily dawn vocabulary with Urdu meaning. 

           Daily Dawn Vocabulary December 14, 2020 

Realm (noun) 

سلطنت، بادشاہت، ریاست

"a kingdom"
Example: the defence of the realm.
Synonyms: kingdom, sovereign state, monarchy, empire, principality, palatinate, duchy, country
Antonyms: inside، outside

Farcical (adjective) 

مضحکہ خیز، نقل اتارنا،ڈھونگ

"relating to or resembling farce, especially because of absurd or ridiculous aspects"
Example: he considered the whole idea farcical.
Synonyms: ridiculous, preposterous, ludicrous, absurd, laughable, risible, nonsensical, futile
Antonyms: grave, serious, solemn

Disperse (noun) 

منتشر کرنا، الگ کرنا

"distribute or spread over a wide area"
Example: storms can disperse seeds via high altitudes.
Synonyms: scatter, disseminate, distribute, spread, broadcast, diffuse, strew, sow
Antonyms: gather

Prejudicial (adjective) 

مضر، ضرررساں، نقصان دہ

"harmful to someone or something; detrimental"
Example: the proposals were considered prejudicial to the city centre.
Synonyms: detrimental, damaging, injurious, harmful, disadvantageous, unfavourable, hurtful
Antonyms: beneficial, advantageous

Frighten (verb) 

خوفزدہ ہونا، ڈرانا، دہشت زدہ

"make (someone) afraid or anxious"
Example: the savagery of his thoughts frightened him.
Synonyms: scare, startle, alarm, terrify, petrify, shock, chill, appal, agitate, panic, throw into panic
Antonyms: reassure, comfort, comforting

Insurrection (noun) 


"a violent uprising against an authority or government"
Example: the insurrection was savagely put down.
Synonyms: rebellion, revolt, uprising, mutiny, revolution, insurgence, insurgency, rising, rioting
Antonyms: counterinsurgency, counterrevolution

Stifle (verb) 

سختی سے کچلنا، بیخ کنی

"make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate"
Example: those in the streets were stifled by the fumes.
Synonyms: suffocate, choke, asphyxiate, smother, very hot, sweltering, airless, suffocating
Antonyms: cold, chilly

Omission (noun) 

بھول چوک، غلطی، سہو

"a person or thing that has been left out or excluded"
Example: there are glaring omissions in the report.
Synonyms: deletion, cut, exclusion, gap, blank, lacuna, hiatus, oversight
Antonyms: addition, inclusion

Bonhomie (noun) 

کشادہ دلی، دوستانہ، خوش خلق

"cheerful friendliness; geniality"
Example: he exuded good humour and bonhomie.
Synonyms: geniality, congeniality, conviviality, cordiality, affability, amiability, sociability, friendliness
Antonyms: coldness

Denounce (verb) 

کھلم کھلا الزام دینا، عدلیہ مخالف ہونا

"publicly declare to be wrong or evil"
Example: the Assembly denounced the use of violence.
Synonyms: condemn, criticize, attack, censure, castigate, decry, revile, vilify, besmirch
Antonyms: praise

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