Part-I (General Science) 60 Marks
I. Physical SciencesII. Biological Sciences
III. Environmental Science
- Atmospheric Pollution:- Types, Sources, Causes and effects of major air pollutants (COx, Particulate Matter, NOx, SOx, Tropospheric Ozone, Volatile Organic Compounds, Dioxins). Regional and Global air pollution issues (Acid-rain, Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming). International agreements on air pollution control (Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol).
IV. Food Science
V. Information Technology
Part-II (General Ability) 40 Marks
VI. Quantitative Ability/Reasoning- Basic Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry (Average, Ratios, Rates, Percentage, Angles, Triangles, Sets, Remainders, Equations, Symbols, Rounding of Numbers.
VII. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning/AbilityVIII. Mental Abilities