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Daily Dawn Vocabulary December 22, 2020
Predecessor (noun)
سابقہ، پیشرو
"a person who held a job or office before the current holder"
Example: the chapel was built in 1864 on the site of its predecessor.
Synonyms: forerunner, precursor, antecedent
Antonyms: successor
Pious (adjective)
پارسا، پرہیز گار، متقی
"devoutly religious"
Example: a deeply pious woman.
Synonyms: religious, devout, devoted, dedicated, reverent, God-fearing, churchgoing, spiritual
Antonyms: impious, irreligious
Utterance (noun)
بولنے کا عمل، اظہار خیالات
"a spoken word, statement, or vocal sound"
Example: he whispered, as if to lend his utterances an added confidentiality.
Synonyms: remark, comment, word, expression, statement, observation, declaration, pronouncement
Antonyms: listening, question, quiet, request
Archaic (adjective)
دقیانوسی، بہت پرانا، قدیم
"very old or old-fashioned"
Example: prisons are run on archaic methods.
Synonyms: obsolete, obsolescent, out of date, anachronistic, old-fashioned, outmoded, behind the times
Antonyms: new, modern
Credible (adjective)
معتبر، قابل یقین
"able to be believed; convincing"
Example: few people found his story credible.
Synonyms: acceptable, trustworthy, reliable, dependable, sure, good, valid, feasible
Antonyms: untrustworthy
Acrimonious (adjective)
تند ، تیز، تلخی سے بھرپور، ملامت آمیز
"(typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter"
Example: an acrimonious dispute about wages.
Synonyms: bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, sarcastic, acid, harsh, sharp, razor-edged
Antonyms: smooth, sweet, pleasant, goodnatured, bland
Resentment (noun)
تعصب، حسد، ناراضگی، برا ماننا
"bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly"
Example: his resentment at being demoted.
Synonyms: bitterness, indignation, irritation, pique, displeasure, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement
Antonyms: contentment, happiness
Resurrect (verb)
دوبارہ زندہ ہونا
"restore (a dead person) to life"
Example: he queried whether Jesus was indeed resurrected.
Synonyms: raise from the dead, restore to life, bring back to life, revive
Antonyms: extinguish, kill, quench, suppress
Disarray (noun)
ذہنی الجھاﺅ، تذبذب،برہنگی
"a state of disorganization or untidiness"
Example: her grey hair was in disarray.
Synonyms: disorder, confusion, chaos, untidiness, dishevelment, mess, muddle, clutter, jumble
Antonyms: tidiness, orderliness
Hazardous (adjective)
پر خطر، خطرناک، ڈر
"risky; dangerous"
Example: we work in hazardous conditions.
Synonyms: dangerous, risky, unsafe, perilous, precarious, insecure, tricky, unpredictable, uncertain
Antonyms: safe, secure, certain
Persuade (verb)
قائل کرنا، راغب کرنا، اکسانا
"induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument"
Example: it wasn’t easy, but I persuaded him to do the right thing.
Synonyms: prevail on, talk someone into, coax, convince, make, get, press someone into, induce
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter
Immune (adjective)
قوت مدافعت، متاثر نہ ہونے کی حالت
"resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells"
Example: they were naturally immune to hepatitis B.
Synonyms: resistant, not subject, not liable, unsusceptible, not vulnerable, not open, not exposed
Antonyms: susceptible
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