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Daily Dawn Vocabulary December 23, 2020
Myriad (noun)
بے شمار، بہت زیادہ جو گننا مشکل ہو
"a countless or extremely great number of people or things"
Example: myriads of insects danced around the light above my head.
Synonyms: multitude, a large/great number/quantity, a lot, scores, quantities, mass, crowd.
Antonyms: calculable. countless, infinite, innumerable
Scuttle (verb)
جلدی میں دوڑنا، فرار ہونا
"run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps"
Example: a mouse scuttled across the floor.
Synonyms: scamper, scurry, scramble, bustle, skip, trot, hurry, hasten, make haste, rush.
Antonyms: amble, linger, drag, saunter, slow
Dampen (verb)
قابو کرنا ، گیلا کرنا، مبہم کرنا
"make slightly wet"
Example: the fine rain dampened her face.
Synonyms: moisten, damp, wet, dew, water, irrigate, humidify, bedew, sparge
Antonyms: dry, drench
Temerity (noun)
جانبازی، بے باکی
"excessive confidence or boldness; audacity"
Example: no one had the temerity to question his conclusions.
Synonyms: audacity, boldness, audaciousness, nerve, effrontery, impudence, impertinence, cheek.
Antonyms: shyness, bashfulness
Plethora (noun)
فروانی، بہتات، افراط خوز
"a large or excessive amount of something"
Example: a plethora of committees and subcommittees.
Synonyms: excess, abundance, overabundance, superfluity, surfeit, profusion, more than enough
Antonyms: dearth, lack
Deceitful (adjective)
دوغلا، منافق، دغا باز، دھوکہ دینے والا
"guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others"
Apathy (noun)
بے حسی، مردہ دلی، سنگدلی
lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
Befuddle (verb)
چکرانا، مست کیا ہوا، بدمست کرنا
"cause to become unable to think clearly"
Example: even in my befuddled state I could see that they meant trouble.
Synonyms: confused, muddled, addled, bewildered, disoriented, disorientated, all at sea, mixed up.
Antonyms: clear
Catharsis (noun)
ذہنی دباﺅ ختم کرنا، اسہال،دست
"the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions"
Example: music is a means of catharsis for them.
Synonyms: purging, purification, cleansing, release, relief, emotional release, freeing.
Antonyms: repression
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