Daily Idioms From CSS Past Papers December 24, 2020
1-To fall back on something / fall back upon
"Rely on, have recourse to"
- I fall back on old friends in time of need.
- When he lost his job he had to fall back upon his savings.
2- To fall through
"Fail, miscarry"
- The proposed amendment fell through.
- I hope our plans won't fall through
3- To break a lance with
"To engage in a tilt or contest"
- I like to break a lance with you , old as i am.
- I ' ll break a lance with you in argument.
4- Vested interests
"A personal stake in something"
- She has a vested interest in keeping the house in her name.
- She has a vested interest in seeing the business sold, as she'll make a profit from the sale.
5- Meaningful dialogue
"Meaningful dialogue is dialogue with meaning"
- I would like to enter into a meaningful dialogue with them but they are reluctant to do that.
- There was on that point no prospect of any further meaningful dialogue between the two parties.
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