Daily Dawn Vocabulary December 21, 2020

Each aspirant understands the significance of the language and vocabulary of English. We have begun a new trend of posting vocabulary on our website in order to encourage aspirants. In this way aspirants can save time and enhance their vocabulary. Moreover PDF file is also available for aspirants. So, keep in touch with us for daily dawn vocabulary with Urdu meaning. 

          Daily Dawn Vocabulary December 21, 2020 

Dilemma (noun) 
دوہری مشکل، المیہ، مشکوک

"a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable"
Example: he wants to make money, but he also disapproves of it: Den’s dilemma in a nutshell.
Synonyms: quandary, predicament, difficulty, problem, puzzle, conundrum, awkward situation, tricky situation.
Antonyms: extrication, rebutment, freedom, advantage

Penetrate (verb) 

گھسنا، ذہن داخل ہونا، آر پار کرنا

"go into or through (something), especially with force or effort"
Example: the shrapnel had penetrated his head.
Synonyms: pierce, puncture, make a hole in, perforate, stab, prick, probe, gore, spike
Antonyms: misconstrue, leave, neglect, misinterpret

Arbiter (noun) 

فیصلہ کرنےوالا، قاضی

"a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter"
Example: the Secretary of State is the final arbiter.
Synonyms: adjudicator, arbitrator, judge, umpire, referee, assistant referee, linesman, line judge
Antonyms: fail, reject, disapprove, pass

Fiscal (adjective) 

مالی معاملات سے متعلق، خزانہ کے متعلق

"relating to government revenue, especially taxes"
Example: monetary and fiscal policy.
Synonyms: tax, budgetary, revenue, financial, economic, monetary, money, pecuniary
Antonyms: nonfinancial

Palatial (adjective) 

شاندار، محل نما، قصریٰ

"resembling a palace in being spacious and splendid"
Example: her palatial apartment in Mayfair.
Synonyms: luxurious, deluxe, magnificent, sumptuous, splendid, grand, opulent, lavishly appointed
Antonyms: humble, modest

Curtail (verb) 

گھٹانا، کم کرنا، حذف کرنا

"reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on"
Example: civil liberties were further curtailed.
Synonyms: reduce, cut, cut down, cut back, decrease, lessen, diminish, slim down, tighten up
Antonyms: increase, lengthen

Contagious (adjective) 

وبائی، متعدی، خراب، وبا

"(of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact"
Example: a contagious disease.
Synonyms: infectious, communicable, transmittable, transmissible, transferable, spreadable, catching.
Antonyms: noninfectious

Defiant (adjective) 

نڈر، ڈھیٹ، بے باک، دلیر

"showing defiance"
Example: a defiant gesture.
Synonyms: intransigent, resistant, obstinate, uncooperative, non-compliant, recalcitrant, confrontational
Antonyms: apologetic, cooperative

Hound (verb) 

تعاقب کرنا، اکسانا

"harass, persecute, or pursue relentlessly"
Example: she was hounded by the Italian press.
Synonyms: harass, persecute, harry, pester, bother, trouble, annoy, badger, torment, bedevil
Antonyms: leave in peace

Slander (verb) 

بہتان، تہمت، بدگوئی

"make false and damaging statements about (someone)"
Example: they were accused of slandering the head of state.
Synonyms: defame, defame someone’s character, blacken someone’s name, give someone a bad name, tell lies about
Antonyms: acclaim, praise

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