Daily Idioms From CSS Past Papers January 28, 2021
1) Leave in the lurch
"Abandon or desert someone in difficult straits"
- Jane was angry enough to quit without giving notice, leaving her boss in the lurch.
- Where were you Karman, you really left me in the lurch.
- We have hard and fast rules for this procedure.
- There is no hard and fast rule to start a computer.
3) Bear the brunt
"Put up with the worst of some bad circumstance"Examples:
- It was the secretary who had to bear the brunt of the doctor's anger.
- I had to bear the brunt of her screaming and yelling.
4) Turncoat
"one who goes to work / fight / play for the opposing side, traitor"Examples:
That turncoat! He went to work for the competition - Sears.
Ahmed is Turncoat and we should not relied upon him.
v) Meet halfway
"If you meet someone halfway, you accept some of their ideas and make concessions."Examples:
- If you want to settle the issues you have to meet me halfway.
- My roommates would never meet me half way with cleaning so I finally got my own place.
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