Daily Idioms From CSS Past Papers January 08, 2021
1) Apple of discord
"Anything causing trouble, discord, or jealousy"
- This wealth of father becomes apple of discord between two brothers.
- The use of the car was an apple of discord between Joe and his wife.
2) In good books
"If someone is in your good books, you are pleased with or think highly of them at the moment."Examples:
- we should be in the good books of our elders.
- Maria has been in my good books ever since she stayed late to help me finish that project.
3) Stare in the face / look in the face
"Be glaringly obvious, although initially overlooked"Examples:
- The solution to the problem had been staring me in the face all along.
- I wouldn't know a Tibetan terrier if it looked me in the face.
4) Make off with
"Depart in haste, run away"Examples:
- The cat took one look at Richard and made off.
- He made off with all the old man's savings.
5) Every inch
"Completely, wholly"Examples:
- He was every inch a leader.
- I had to argue this case every inch of the way.
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