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Daily Dawn Vocabulary January 08, 2021
Thwart (verb)
ناکام بنا دینا، ترچھا، آڑا
"prevent (someone) from accomplishing something"
- The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators
- Harry knew now that nothing could thwart his plans.
Antonyms: assist, facilitate
Intensification (noun)
سختی، شدت، بڑھانا، تیز کرنا
"the action of making or becoming more intense."Examples:
- This stage is an intensification of the last one
- the intensification of the conflict.
Antonyms: lessening, abatement
Starve (verb)
سخت بھوک ہونا، بھوک سے مرنا، فاقہ
"suffer or die or cause to suffer or die from hunger."Examples:
- They decided to starve the enemy out.
- You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.
Antonyms: well fed, full
Perish (verb)
تباہ ہونا، ہلاک ہونا، برباد ہونا
"die, especially in a violent or sudden way."
- We must make sure that democracy does not perish
- Flowers perish when frost comes.
Synonyms: die, lose one’s life, be killed, fall, expire, meet one’s death, be lost, lay down one’s life
Antonyms: be born, be immortal, begin, come into being.
Defunct (adjective)
مرحوم، متوفی، مردہ
"no longer existing or functioning"Examples:
- After being hit by a hurricane, the entire neighborhood was defunct.
- A fire swept through the city, leaving many houses abandoned and defunct.
Synonyms: disused, no longer in use, unused, inoperative, non-functioning, unusable, obsolete, no longer in existence
Antonyms: working, extantPeril (noun)
خوف، ڈر، خطرہ
"serious and immediate danger."
Antonyms: safety, security
- The refugees were in peril of death from hunger.
- He believed his immortal soul was in peril.
Antonyms: safety, security
Eradication (noun)
جڑ سے اکھاڑنا، استیصال، مٹانا
"the complete destruction of something"Examples:
- The disease has now been completely eradicated.
- It was a ritual of eradication
Antonyms: implant, import, instil, foster, propagate
Frigid (adjective)
برفیلا، انتہائی ٹھنڈا، نہایت سرد
"very cold in temperature"
- She stepped out into the frigid morning, her boots sinking into the snow with a squeaking sound.
- There's a rather frigid atmosphere in the school.
Antonyms: hot, tropical
Tenuous (adjective)
نازک، پتلا، کمزور
"very weak or slight"Examples:
- The link between her family and the King’s is rather tenuous
- America’s involvement was growing more tenuous .
Antonyms: convincing, substantial, strong
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