Daily Idioms From CSS Past Papers January 17, 2021
1) To clip one's wings
"To end a person's privileges; to take away someone's power or freedom to do something"
- My father said that if I dind't start behaving, he was going to clip my wings.
- The boss is always trying to clip my wings and micro-manage me.
2) To cross the Rubicon
"Irrevocably commit to a course of action, make a fateful and final decision."
- "I'm not sure I want to cross the Rubicon, if this is a Rubicon, " he said.
- Once he submitted his resignation, he had crossed the Rubicon.
3) To feel the pulse / feel the pulse of
"Try to determine the intentions or sentiments of a person or group"
- These exit polls allegedly take the pulse of the voters, but I don't believe they're very meaningful.
- A Teacher can feel pulse of students.
4) To fly in the face of / fly in the teeth of
"Act in direct opposition to or defiance of"
- This decision flies in the face of all precedent.
- They went out without permission, flying in the teeth of house rules.
5) To rise like a phoenix from its ashes
"Emerge renewed after apparent disaster or destruction."
- Despite being in a conflict zone, Beirut is somehow rising like a phoenix from the ashes.
- When we're told at the end that Tangshan has risen like a phoenix from the ashes, it's understood that more than just Tangshan is in play.
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