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Daily Dawn Vocabulary February 9, 2021
Hinder (verb)
رکاوٹ، روڑے اٹکانا، مزاحمت
make it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something) to happen.
- Anger and haste hinder good counsel.
- Don't hinder me in my work.
Antonyms: help, facilitate
Potent (adjective)
زور دار، بااختیار، قوی
"having great power, influence, or effect."
- The potent poison killed him within seconds.
- Beauty is potent, but money is more potent .
Antonyms: weak, impotent
Vacillate (verb)
اوپر نیچے ہونا، لڑکھڑانا
"waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive."
- The earthquake caused the entire house to vacillate.
- Guys might also vacillate between two extremes.
Antonyms: resolute
Ambiguity (noun)
ابہام، غیر واضح
"the quality of being open to more than one interpretation; inexactness.
- This statement has a lot of ambiguity.
- The ambiguity cannot be cured.
Emanate (verb)
ظاہر ہونا، بگاڑنا، اخلاق تباہ کرنا
"(of a feeling, quality, or sensation) issue or spread out from (a source)."
- Good smells emanated from the kitchen.
- Constant criticism has emanated from her opponents.
Antonyms: terminate, culminate, end, evene, issue
Unsavoury (adjective)
اخلاقی طور پر ناگوار، بدمزہ
"disagreeable to taste, smell, or look at."
- The club has an unsavoury reputation.
- Her friends are all pretty unsavoury characters.
Antonyms: tasty, appetizing
Remorse (noun)
پچھتاوا، ندامت
"deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed"
- There was no remorse in his face.
- It wasn't remorse he saw, but fear.
Antonyms: indifference
Exempt (adjective)
مستثنیٰ، پابندیوں سے آزاد
"free from an obligation or liability imposed on others."
- He is also exempt from serving in the reserve forces or on a jury.
- The grounds for the music hall were given by the city and are perpetually exempt from taxation.
Antonyms: liable to, subject to
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